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Campuswide Action Items

This goal reflects our efforts to ensure that diversity, equity and inclusion are foundational aspects of our educational programs, teaching methodology, service and scholarly research.

A person wearing safety gear while working in a lab

Goal: Products

This goal reflects our efforts to ensure that diversity, equity and inclusion are foundational aspects of our educational programs, teaching methodology, service and scholarly research.

  • A graduate holding a Mexican flag

    Fostering Student Academic Success

    The Office of the Provost achieved its main Year 1 goals with (1) the appointment of an inaugural Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education, (2) the successful launch of Early Momentum, an evidence-based strategy for student academic success, and (3) the solidification of plans to build an academic success network that brings aspects of the national academic student success movement to Michigan.

  • A black and white photo of a protest on the steps of the Michigan Union

    Inclusive History Project (IHP)

    Beginning in Fall 2023 and continuing for five years, the IHP is conducting rigorous research to honestly and critically re-examine and document the university’s past relating to diversity, equity and inclusion and to consider what reparative actions that history demands.