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Michigan Program for Advancing Cultural Transformation (M-PACT) in the Biomedical and Health Sciences

Reflecting its comprehensive approach to programmatic success and development, M-PACT can point to significant Year 1 accomplishments across its Administrative, Faculty Development and Evaluation Cores that range from recruiting key personnel and establishing policies for the hiring of scholars to organizing a major conference and developing a toolkit for faculty mentors.

A person wearing safety gear while working in a lab

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Progress to Date

The Administrative Core solidified M-PACT’s foundational structure by recruiting key personnel, among them a Managing Director and an Executive Administrator, and is in the process of enhancing the team with a Faculty Development Manager. Other strategic advances include:

  • Underscoring its commitment to operational excellence and professional development by transitioning to dedicated office space and establishing policies for scholar hiring
  • Pursuing a robust agenda for academic enrichment and collaborative growth by organizing the M-PACT Futures Conference and securing an NIH travel supplement for faculty development
  • Strengthening relationships with participating schools and colleges by establishing a community of practice in the M-PACT Reps group
  • Hiring five new faculty during the initial recruitment season

Meanwhile, the Faculty Development Core made notable progress in building a supportive environment for M-PACT faculty through the development of a comprehensive toolkit and community-building events for sponsor mentors. As part of its forward-looking approach to recruitment, Faculty Development assisted the Administrative Core in planning the M-PACT Futures Conference. This focus on curriculum development and stakeholder collaboration not only makes a long-term impact on the university's academic landscape but also underscores the core’s dedication to fostering an inclusive and resource-rich academic community.

Through its commitment to create a reliable data collection framework in conjunction with Morehouse School of Medicine, the Evaluation Core continues to demonstrate the intricate efforts involved in aligning with requirements and confidentiality standards. The core’s ongoing dialogue and collaboration also underscores the essential but complex role of evaluation in the program's overarching success.

Together, these collective efforts demonstrate M-PACT’s commitment to programmatic excellence, strategic development and evaluative rigor.

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Responsible Unit(s): The Office of the Provost and the Office of the Vice President for Research