The university will assess, refine, and develop strategies and student support programming, open to all, that produce equitable opportunities for access, success and a sense of belonging for Black students, in particular. This will include increasing responsiveness to Black students' unique needs through the creation of feedback mechanisms that allow for input by Black students and allies to support and enhance university programs, priorities, and resource allocation. Change will be values-driven and informed by data and input from faculty, staff, and community partners, addressing campus climate impacts on the experiences of Black students.
Year One activities will include hiring a project manager and appointing an implementation task force to assist in the coordination of this work. The Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (ODEI), the Division of Student Life and the Office of Enrollment Management (OEM) will collaborate with on- and off-campus partners in pursuit of these goals.
Responsible Unit(s): The Office of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, the Division of Student Life and the Office of Enrollment Management