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Doubling Down on Wolverine Pathways (WP)

During the past year, Wolverine Pathways laid a strong foundation for advancing its DEI 2.0 goals by hiring key staff to grow core programs aimed at increasing the number of transfer students, and by launching the Algebra I Jump Start Program to improve overall college admission prospects for WP students.

Students holding Wolverine Pathways certificates

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Progress to Date

As a vital step in growing institutional bandwidth and increasing its transfer count, WP addressed the understaffing that had severely limited its ability to maintain core programming during DEI 1.0. With the exception of two management-level positions, the program has secured staff for all other key areas. This in turn has enabled WP’s alumni relations staff to increase the annual transfer student count by hiring two key support staff members: an Alumni Relations Fellow (term-limited full time equivalent) and an Alumni Relations Undergraduate Fellow (a temporary hourly worker) who also serves as Program Coordinator Assistant.

The new hires will enable Wolverine Pathways to develop a reliable data set of program alumni and identify strong transfer prospects. In collaboration with the LSA Transfer Center, WP will also create a pilot communications strategy to ignite and sustain the interest of transfer prospects and assist them with the transfer application process.

This past year, WP also worked to increase the first-year admissibility of prospects by improving their academic performance. With that goal in mind, its first DEI 2.0 initiative was a four-week intensive Algebra I Jump Start program piloted during Summer 2024. Algebra I was targeted because it is a critical gatekeeper course to college admissions and establishes mathematical foundations that increase the likelihood of students taking other advanced math-related classes. As part of its initial evaluation of Algebra I Jump Start, WP will monitor the first-year high school academic outcomes and self-reported mathematical confidence of scholars who enrolled in the program compared to those who did not. Additional plans call for the launch of an advising system and strategic tutoring service in the fall of 2024.

Responsible Unit: Wolverine Pathways Program